Phase 1. The Control phase focuses on establishing a single point of accountability, governance and decision making across all four Statutory Land Managers.
Phase 2. The Review & Design phase is focused on obtaining a complete understanding of the current operating frameworks and cultures within the four Statutory Land Managers. This will provide the platform for designing a consolidated high performing organisation which has affordability and efficiencies embedded through its operating philosophy, values and structure. A key activity in this phase is clearly understanding and taking into the lessons learnt from the 2012 amalgamation.
Phase 3. The Establish phase is focused on transitioning from four Statutory Land Managers into a single OneCrown operating entity. Key to the successful transition is ensuring both the operating model and organisational culture enables the delivery of high-quality services offering affordable products and a sustainable approach to bodily earth interment into the future.
Phase 4. Operate – in this final phase of the transition, OneCrown will be fully functional and operating albeit work will continue in building an organisation that uses the principles of continual improvement and innovation in the way it grows into a leader within the sector.
*Note timeframes for each phase except phase one are proposed only. Some activities may overlap into other key phases and some key phases may not be resolved within the proposed timeframe due to unforeseen circumstances.